Hey, I'm Tom, the globe-trotting, rule-breaking digital marketing enthusiast with a story that's anything but ordinary.
Born in the Czech Republic to Vietnamese parents, I turned my back on conventional education not once, but twice, to dive headfirst into the thrilling world of entrepreneurship.
I’ve hustled my way through Europe and Asia, transforming every setback into a step forward. From near-bankruptcies to billion-dollar campaigns, my journey’s been a wild ride of epic proportions.
Dive into my world, where fitting in is overrated and the only rule is to keep playing the game.
Turns out, marketing was just my stepping stone to the big game - running my own digital empire.
I bounced around jobs like a pinball, but it all clicked when I took the plunge into freelancing. That’s when I really started to see the big picture beyond just marketing.
You know that saying, “fall seven times, stand up eight”? Scratch that. Fall seven, stand up seven. Just like you can’t stand up without falling first, you gotta take the hits to make the comebacks, am I right?
Eventually, my freelance gig morphed into a full-blown business, or an ‘agency’ as some would label it — though I’ve never been a fan of labels.

Now, I’m on a mission: create a portfolio of digital products, funded by my agency’s profits. True to form, I’ve stumbled big time along the way. In 2023 alone, we dodged bankruptcy three times — almost once every quarter.
Here’s the real deal: Business is just a game. The goal? Keep playing. Forget competition, enemies, scorekeeping. Just keep fucking playing.
Bring ROI home
By partnering with great companies and brands, we create beautiful and easy to use products that connect with your audience.